
Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Start

Well hello there.
I'm not really sure how to do this, but I hate diaries so I figured I'd give this a try, works in movies right?
About me... Well I'm a 19 year-old female living in ATX, and as you may have guessed from the name, I'm a college student... unfortunately, ha ha. I moved here from Colorado, away from my best friend, my family, my life. It all seemed like a fantastic idea (to leave and branch out on my own) ha ha ha ha ya not the fairy tale I expected. I do live a great life here though; working, going to school, enjoying the weather, the independence. See now the only thing I don't have here is a best friend, ya I have acquaintances and people I talk to, but no shopping buddies or hiking buddies. Any takers?? :)
I had a... guy, not really boyfriend, but we were cool, worked out pretty great until.. well let's just say we are in two COMPLETELY different places in life. But mmmm :) is he handsome and sweet as ever!! Just cause we're not together, doesn't mean he's not on my mind all the damn time ha.
So basically my mind lately..... Getting a new job ($$$$$$) the guy (confused??) and, the reason for this blog, my life.
Alllll my high school career it was never pushed on us to figure out what we want out of life, to major in, to have a career in, or even where we wanted to be in 10 years. Now of course all of us had the fantasies of being a ballerina, a fireman, singer, actress, or in my case.. a penguin expert. Buuut unlike the French, we were never asked to care enough to create realistic fantasies. So by the time senior year comes around the thought creeps into your head about what you would love to do in your life. You start asking friends about their college plans and when they tell you about their imagined major, you realize you NEVER would have guessed they would choose that path. That your gorgeous cheerleader friend wants to be a lab rat?? Where did that come from?! Graduation comes and tears stain everyones cheeks as you say good bye and part from life long friends and head to different lives, promising to keep in touch of course. Some stay in state, some go out of state, some never leave the nest, and some lucky ones all end up at the same college.
Leaving CO was the easiest thing I ever did. Sure there were tears and some things were hard to leave behind, but once I hit the CO boarder, I didn't even look back. I knew where I was going, what I wanted to do, what university I wanted to go to, and had the next four years of my life planned out. Now... 10 months later... I'M SO LOST!!!
It's kind of freaky in a lot of ways, not knowing where I'm going, but I know it's a great thing because I have so many opportunities ahead of me, I'm young I'm smart... I can do anything :) Right?

1 comment:

  1. Young and smart and can do anything? Absolutely. Don't worry about not knowing where you're going, just have fun getting there. Use your new blog to help map out where you go on your journey.
